Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day

We then went up to Anthony's parents house to enjoy some more food and let his mom know how much
we love her.

This is the blanket we purchased and put pictures on. Anthony had asked his mom what she wanted for Mother's Day a few weeks back and she said "I just want all my kids all around me" We knew we couldn't arrange that, but now she can wrap her blanket around her with all of our cute faces and we will all be "around her"

This is the card I made for her.
My mom only received a phone call due to the fact she was out of town. We did end up celebrating today along with my Grandma Mayberry. I gave my mom a blanket like the one we made for Anthony's mom, but with my family pictures on it. She loved it I have never look so thrilled. I also gave my grandma and mom a bouquet of flowers. Every woman deserves flowers. Lunch was fun and I took my camera with great intentions of taking pictures, but never ended up pulling it out. We went to a family favorite, Chilis, and enjoyed some Molten Lava Cake after we stuffed ourselves with our tasty entree plus chips and salsa.

My mom and grandma are the best and I hope one day to be half the mother they are. Love you two xoxo


1 comment:

Craig and Aly said...

Awww! You make me sick! Seriously girl you make the rest of us look bad! Love the card and the blanket.