Sunday, November 23, 2008

Harmonic Wealth Weekend

I just got home from Vegas today. I had the opportunity to go with my mom and listen to James Arthur Ray speak about obtaining Harmonic Wealth. I didn't go with very high expectations and ended up being pleasantly surprised. 

The whole seminar was very insightful and I took a lot away from it. Some of my favorite things I learned was when we talked about our total belief system aka our mindset. The main thing in this section was talking about how our minds cannot process a negative. So for example if you tell someone don't think about chocolate chip ice cream, they usually think about chocolate chip ice cream, because you have to think about what not to think about. Just like if someone says "I don't want to be fat," the mind hears "fat". If they say "I don't want to have debt", the mind hears debt and you are more likely to always stay in debt. So instead of saying I want to be out of debt you should say...  I want financial abundance. 

The main points in the seminar were talking about the conscious mind, the unconscious mind and a higher conscious mind. I would highly recommend this seminar to anyone or even reading his books. 

  • "The world is what you put your attention on" -look for good not bad- (Don't watch CNN)
  • Take responsibility for my results.
  • 2 types of people in this world. Winners and Learners
  • Take responsibility for my results. Make no excuses.
  • There is no failure in life only feedback.
  • There's always a way when I'm committed
  • You never have to justify your intensions to anyone.
  • You always find the time to do the things your truly value
  • current status= who you were not what you are.
  • Will power can turn off and on, but my environment is always on. Who/what type of environment am I surrounded by?
  • there is no such thing as luck

Saturday, November 15, 2008

11 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

*Beware this section is more of a mature nature* So if you giggle at the word vagina this section may not be for you.*

So I found eleven surprising health benefits that extend well beyond the bedroom. I thought it was kind of interesting. I am always looking for ways to make my life more healthier. I liked this article because its something that I am already doing and most other people are too. So why not know, what the health benefits are?

1. Sex Relieves Stress~ sex lowers blood pressure and overall stress reduction. 

2. Sex Boosts Immunity~ If you have a good sexual health it may mean better physical health. In other words forget the flu shot and just go have some "alone time". Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. 

3. Sex Burns Calories~ Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. Sex is a great exercise it stretches and tones almost every muscle in the body.

4. Sex improves Cardiovascular Health~ Older people who may worry that the efforts expended during sex could cause a stroke, that's not so, scientists found that frequency of sex was not associated with stroke in the 914 men they followed for 20 years.  And the heart benefits of sex don't end there. Having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for men.

5. Sex Boosts Self-Esteem~ Great sex begins with self-esteem, and it raises it. If the sex is loving, connected, and what you want, it raises it.

6. Sex Improves Intimacy~ Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, it helps us build bond and trust. When I was at school I had to do a report on oxytocin. It is an interesting hormone and if you don't know much about it I recommend you read up on it. Basically contact and touch will release this hormone and the more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels. 

7. Sex Reduces Pain~ As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase (if you don't know what endorphins are, just watch Legally Blonde) and pain declines. So if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.

8. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk~ Men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later by a third.

9. Sex strengthens pelvic floor muscles~ For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.

10. Sex Helps you Sleep Better~ The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep. Getting enough sleep has been linked to a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. 

11. An active sex life helps us live longer~ A study of 3,5oo people ranging in age from 18 to 102 concluded that sex actually slows the aging process.

Well this is all just something interesting to think about. Not only is sex pleasurable, but it is beneficial to our overall health.

Friday, November 14, 2008

This or That about me

It's really hard to pick one or the other. 

Food/ Drink
McDonalds or Burger King? Definitely Burger King
Pepsi or Coke?  Coke, but I don't drink caffeine or carbonation
Sierra Mist or Sprite?   Sprite
Dominos or Pizza Hut? Out of these two I would say Pizza Hut. My favorite is Ligoris Pizza
Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? Ruby Tuesdays
Pancakes or Waffles? Waffles with peanut butter and syrup 
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? cheeseburgers
meat or veggies? veggies
Vanilla or chocolate? mmmm Chocolate

Abercrombie or Hollister?  Hollister
Boxers or Briefs? Briefs
Collar: popped or regular? popped
Jeans or skirt? Jeans
Sneakers or flip flops? flip flops

The other Sex
Face or body? this is tough, but if I had to pick one I choose face
Chest or heinie? Chest
Hair: short or long? short
Brunette or blonde? BLONDE
Candy or flowers? flowers they're less fattening and last longer
Hugs or kisses? This depends are we talking my grandma or my husband? Hugs
Friends with benefits or date? friends with benefits ;)

MySpace or Facebook? Facebook
Tv or movie? Movie
Cell Phone or Ipod? I win I have both in one
Automatic or Manual? Automatic

Black or White: White
Red or Blue? Blue
Gold or Silver? Silver
Yellow or Orange? Orange
Pink or Purple? Pink

Summer or Winter? S.U.M.M.E.R.
Fall or Spring? Fall is prettier, but Spring means summer is coming
Rain or Thunderstorm? thunderstorm
Snow or rain? Rain

Would you rather...
Shower or bathe? Shower
Play an instrument or sing? Sing
Play ping-pong or pool? ping-pong
Be hot or Cold? Hot

Are you...
Quiet or loud?  Quiet or somewhere in the middle
Immature or mature? Mature
Ugly or Hot? smoken
smart or stupid? smart. I am so smart s.m.r.t 
gay or straight? straight

Dogs or cats? Dogs
Pen or Pencil? Pen
Obama or McCain? McCain
Canada or Australia? Australia. Blonde boys with australian accents. yum :)

Friday, November 7, 2008


So we all have bad habits, some can definitely be worse than others. I definitely have a bad habit of shopping!!!! It's like I get this itch and it doesn't get scratched until I drop a couple hundred bucks at the mall. So it all started on Monday that I got this horrible itch, after I got home from babysitting my cute little cousin, Emma.

When I got home the first thing I did was get the mail. Side note: I love getting the mail, I wish people still wrote letters, because that would be even more fun. Anyway I got a coupon from Famous Footwear for $15 off my next purchase. I guess I had spent enough to rack up enough points, that I know got money off my next purchase. So began the itch. I immediately jumped on the internet to see what I needed. 

The next day I went to the mall to take a real look at the shoes, because the internet only gives you somewhat of an idea what they look like. While I was there I found these cute hats. I wanted three of them, but I limited myself to two. 

Quilted Bear had some way cute Halloween stuff on sale. 
I was good though and did not buy anything. The thing about Quilted Bear is there stuff is sooo cute, but when I start looking at it, I realize "I could make that". Anthony met up with me after he got off work and we headed over to Ross. If you haven't been to Ross in awhile I highly recommend it. The place has been cleaned up a lot. I found the cutest mirror there that would match perfectly in my living room, maybe I could get that for Christmas. Anthony ended up buying a belt and he bought me a new purse with a matching wallet.  

So after all of that my itch still was not scratched. The next day I was at the mall shoe shopping again, but we all know after I purchased a couple of pairs of shoes that it could not stop there. 
I started wandering the mall, just looking of course. While I was looking, and spending, I got a call from my favorite store. They had called to tell me that they got a new shipment of jeans in my size in. Anthony happened to call when I was there and told me I could only spend $50. So I found enough things to make it $60, oops. Sneakily I put just $50 of the bill on our joint account and then the rest on my account. It was so funny, Anthony was looking at our finances on the computer, and he said wow you really took that $50 to heart. He still doesn't know, so I tell you all in confidence that you won't spill the beans. So my itch did get scratched for the most part, there was these shoes I wanted, but they only had a 7.5 or a 9 and I need a 8. Its to bad too, because they would have matched my new hat I bought perfectly. 

Maybe this is more than a bad habit. Maybe I have a sickness. I found this on google Oniomania.Oniomania is another word for the urge to shop till you drop, habit of the debit, thrill of the bill. According to a pearl of ancient wisdom, we don't acquire things, things acquire us. In the case of oniomaniacs, it is perhaps the fun of acquiring things that acquires them.

Anyway whatever I have I promise it is under control. I only get my itch when Anthony gets paid :) and I have learned that as long as I pay my tithing I do not want as much, its like a anti itch cream. If anyone has this problem you should let me know. We could form some kind of support group. Actually that is a horrible plan. If someone called me and said, "hey I am at the mall and there is a sale at so and so" I would not be able to say don't buy, the words that would probably come out of my mouth would be "really, I'll be right there".

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Job

I am employed. I now work at Brzowski Plastic Surgery. I am pretty dang excited and a little nervous I have to admit. I am going to be taking care of all of their skin care area. Mainly I will be doing chemical peels. We are going to be getting a microdermabrasion machine too, which I am very excited about. So if anyone needs a chemical peel to perk up their skin, I'm your gal. Also since its a plastic surgery office we offer: breast augmentation, tummy tuck, face lift, body lift, botox, blepharoplasty, and the list goes on and on. So look at the website and see what you want and I will get you hooked up. There is even a buttocks lift for those saggy bums that need to be lifted back in place. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

rainy sunday

Play Me.....

Usually I will write down in my phone if I have a random idea for a blog. The other night I was laying in  bed waiting for Anthony to finish his nightly rituals. I could tell he was getting close because all the nasty boy noises were starting to lessen. I realized how much I like night time. It is probably my favorite part of the day. Your bed doesn't care what you look like. You get to wear comfy clothes. Now that it is getting a bit chillier I get antsy waiting for Anthony to get in bed so I can warm my toesies on him and other things.   So I jotted down in my phone under "ideas for blogs" about how much I like night time. Today though I woke up and it was raining. Scratch the idea about nights and put this one in. I love rainy Sundays. There is nothing better than the feeling you don't have to do anything and the rain is just pouring. What a perfect day! You can stay in your pjs and watch movies while the sound of thunder and rain is going on outside. I love it.  Now all I need is a fireplace that I am not scared to use and maybe a bear skin rug (just kidding that idea alone gives me the heeby geebies). Well enjoy my song and I hope you enjoy your rainy Sunday as much as I do.