Monday, January 5, 2009



So I have decided to go back to school since no time is better than the present time. I was a little hesitant about going back, but I am so close to having that degree I might as well. Besides I hate seeing money going to waste. I figured I have the perfect job that allows me to do it and I have no kids(not that kids would stop me, but they're not like my dog I can't stuff them in the hall while I'm gone). I have 15 credit hours this semester. I decided to get my degree in Technical Sales and the plan is to get a minor in Multimedia Marketing. So I have three sales classes which are all online. I have one computer class, TBE 3090, a Power Point class. I'm taking a special math class which is in the health science department. Its a secret math class to help pass the Accuplacer test. Its very similar to math 955, but I actually get 5 credit hours for it.  I'll admit it now, I am not good at math at all!!!! Good thing Anthony is good at it or I could be in big trouble :) Anthony is starting school this semester too. I am so proud of him for going back.
Nothing else is to new. I started reading the Twilight series again. Bad idea they are so addicting. I am on the third book. I started reading it Saturday night and I will finish it sometime today. I want to finish it so I can get my life back.


Zanny said...

I love how you start every post with the word, "so". You're so funny. I'm glad you're going back to school! Actually, I'm just glad I don't have to. Ha ha!

AE Simon said...

Your right I never noticed I did that:)

Wity B said...

sounds great, NOT! uh, school... that doesn't sound fun..

Craig and Aly said...

Im so proud!