Friday, February 27, 2009

Stolen Idea

I saw a way cute accessory to make for a little girl's hair. Since I don't have a little girl I used Chloe. She is a good sport. I really should make a video of me taking her picture. She just sits there and lets me take pictures until I tell her I am done then she runs off. If only I could figure out how to make her smile. 

Anyway to make this cute little accessory I used a button and a small hair elastic. Just think how cute it would be on a human child. 

So I found out some really good news. All of you who live in Ogden will be happy to know there is a new dollar theater that opened. Well it's more like a $3 theater, but that is still better than paying 8 bucks. The Pointe Theater on 12th street and wall avenue is now a $3 theater. I have heard that it's the same owners that own the Kaysville Theater, but I'm not quite sure how true that is. 

Complete subject change. This summer I want to start a garden in my jungle of a  backyard. Does anyone have any advice? Should I be starting to do something now? I read somewhere about this contraption someone made to make compost. That is waaaay beyond me!!! I just want to plant a seed and make a plant. I want to grow tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, and all of the other normal gardeney stuff. Oh and I want to grow 2 pumpkins for October, if my 11 year old brother can than I would hope I can too. Well if I'm going to grow a pumpkin than I think I should grow a watermelon too. Anyway what do you think? I think I better stop at the library and borrow gardening for dummies or something, but if anyone has any advice I will be happy to take it. 


Zanny said...

Oh, that all sounds so fun! I want to plant a garden too. Let's research and tell each other our findings. I'm really excited to start!

Kristy said...

I love the hair thing you made you will have to show me how you did it so I can make them for my little girl.

Nate and Sarah said...

I don't have a garden, so I have no advice because I am a beginner too! Good luck though!

Craig and Aly said...

You and your dog crack me up! You can find answers to all of your questions on the internet! Really this weekend Craig and I were doing research on what grows best here in Prescott and the internet is very helpful! Google baby!

Shelece & Josh said...

Gardening is pretty easy. Buy seed packets - they have instructions on them. Plant them in full sun, make sure you water them consistently. Pumpkins and watermelons take up a TON of room.
Let me know what questions you have, maybe I can help.