Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well I hope everyone had a fantastic fun filled lovey dovey Valentine's day. Unfortunately Anthony had to work on Valentine's day from 11 am to 9 p.m. so we celebrated on Friday instead. I got home from work around 5:30 and from there we headed off to The Texas Roadhouse. Well we started to head there, we have a one car driveway (highly do not recommend it) and I got home last so we took my car, which means I drive. On the way to go eat I got pulled over. Just to give you a little history I have been pulled over to many times to count, but I have only received one ticket which was the dumbest ticket ever and should have been fought, but I was going on vacation. Anyway, Anthony has been pulled over quite a bit since we have been married and he always gets a ticket. The cop pulled me over on Harrison and I had no idea why? I hadn't begun to speed yet. When we were to the side of the road, I told Anthony to take some lessons. To make a long story short he had pulled me over for supposedly not making a complete stop at a stop sign in my neighborhood (the same stop sign Anthony got a ticket at a couple of months ago) when the officer came back to give me my license and registration he also gave me a "warning" no ticket!!! Yeah for me, Anthony couldn't believe it. When we got to The Texas Roadhouse it was crazy busy like it always is, so we sat at the bar. I don't know if many people realize how convenient it is to sit at the bar. Your server is always right in front of you and you don't have to wait to be seated and you usually get great service. I ordered my favorite strawberry colada virgin daiquiri, they make the best there and their daiquiris are only $2.75, which is an excellent deal compared to other places. After we were stuffed we headed over to The Junction movie theater and watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. The movie was cute, Anthony even liked it. The theater was packed full of women who weren't afraid to make a comment or snort laugh during the middle of the movie. Sometimes I don't know which was funnier, what was going on on the screen or what was going on all around me. 

Valentine's day was actually really long. It snowed and snowed as many of you know, but living right on the mountain with a two wheel drive car stinks!!! When the snow finally let up Chloe and I decided we were getting stir crazy and decided to go to Target. I pulled my car out of the garage and started backing down the driveway with Chloe sitting as co-pilot. I hit the end of my driveway and got stuck. The snow plows had buried me in. I was so not happy. Here I am in my v-day outfit (red shirt, heart necklace, levis, red high heels, black belt and jacket) and I am stuck in my driveway. Down the road is some poor sap driving around a Jimmy's floral van delivering flowers. I see him look my way not sure if he should help or not. After a couple of poor attempts and spinning tires I see him get antsy like he is going to come help. I don't know what it is with me, but I am very independent and I almost would rather dig myself out than have him come help. Even writing this I think that sounds weird, who wouldn't want help. So I throw the car in drive than reverse than drive, the tires are spinning the motor is revving. Chloe is giving me even more of a wide eyed look than she naturally has. I throw it in drive again and my car goes flying forward through the snow, but thats not good enough I want out not in! So I throw it in reverse and go sailing through the snow to get stuck again. I look down the road at the Jimmy floral guy and he is standing with one leg out of his white van just staring. So I throw it in drive and go whizzing around some more then reverse and go flying into the road. "Ta da" I say to Chloe, "and that my furry little friend is how its done." I drive by the Jimmy floral man and wave and instead of waving back he just shakes his head. What? What did I do? 

Later that day Chloe and I made sugar cookies. Well I made them she stood at my feet waiting for me to drop some of the delicious cookie dough. I made tons of cookies in cute heart shapes and I even tried making chocolate chip cookies in heart shapes. When Anthony came home I had dinner ready for him and he brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and some Dove chocolate hearts. Oh I should mention that he bought me a new swimming suit for our cruise we are going on in March. It was a fun filled weekend, I was bummed that I forgot to take some pictures of Anthony and I on Friday. I had a valentines scrapbook page already made and it was just missing pictures. So Chloe and I had a photo shoot since technically she was my Valentine on Valentine's day, right? I think maybe we spend a little to much time together. I talk to her like she is real person, its just when she starts answering back that you should be worried. 

Here is my finished scrapbook page... 


Craig and Aly said...

I can't believe you didn't get a ticket! I think it is about time you get one!!! You and your pretty blues! Sounds like you had a great valentines. I am still sad I am not going on the cruise with you! Oh love the photo shoot! We still need to do yours!

Kristy said...

I love the pictures. I went and saw that smae movie for Valentines also. I really liked it. Your cookies look yummie!

Zanny said...

Well, I'm glad you made those cookies because they were inspiringly delicious. I loved reading this post!

Zanny said...

Could you send me that frosting recipe? I'd love you for it!