Sunday, February 1, 2009

Is this your sock?????

"Is this your sock?" Anthony asks. I turn my battery powered toothbrush off and say "huh" "Is this your sock?" There is not even a smile coming from his face, he was serious. I take a look at the sock and laugh. It is so small, like a little kid's sock. 

 The question is: whose sock is it? Obviously our fury child does not need it. Well she does around Christmas time, but we have four red and white striped leg warmers for her instead. It came from Anthony's sock drawer and it wouldn't surprise me if it was his from a long time ago. 

Anthony has 4 brothers and 1 sister. The other day I was putting his undies away (garments) and I noticed one of his tops said Joshua written on the tag. Eeewwwhhh he has been wearing his brother's underwear for who knows how long?????  Anyway back to the sock subject. It would not surprise me if it has traveled with him since he was 2. 

While we are on the sock subject it makes me ponder and think about all of my socks that are missing their partner. I consider myself a highly organized person, but for some reason I have three random socks that have no partner. Where do they go? These questions hurt my head about as much as deep doctrine. I better stop while I am ahead.

Maybe we will use our new found sock as a tail warmer for Chloe :)


Kristy said...

I hate how every time you do laundry a sock goes missing. I tried safety pining them together it works.But that just takes to long. Your puppy is so sweet.

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Wity B said...

thats to funny. I've always thought that dog needed more tail warmers

Craig and Aly said...

Ha ha! One of lives mysteries! I think my washer eats them...or maybe it is my dryer??? I like the tail warmer idea!