Tuesday, September 8, 2009



So I wake up this morning bright eyed, bushy tailed, and ready for the day. I get ready, pick out an outfit according to what shoes I feel like wearing. Today it was my green and white ones with the big bows on them. I sit down and eat a bowl of the ole captain (captain crunch) and then realize, "Oh yeah, I was going to make an advertisement for an e-mail blast at work". I started making that and then before I realized it I was late for work. I jumped in my car and headed down the road. I called to let work know that I was going to be a couple of minutes late. Of course my first patient was already there and waiting, because they are better at getting to work on time than I am. As I'm about two minutes away I start going up a hill and my car has a blinking light that comes on and says off trac????? My first thought is oh no what if I go down the hill and have no brakes. I pull over to the side of the road and just think maybe if I turn it off and turn it back on it will reset or something. Well it wouldn't start back up. I called my dad, work, and Anthony. I did end up making it to work and after a poopy morning ended up having a really great day.

I did find out my problem. I ran out of gas. Surprise! Surprise! that would be my. Hold on let me count. This would be my 5th time since I have had a driver's license. I did get a lecture from my dad, which I wasn't to happy about, but I deserved. My boss came and picked me up and took me to work. I'm lucky to have such a nice boss.

All my patients were awesome and I made awesome tips. I think all but one patient re-scheduled to come back and see me. I sold the crap out of the skin care products today. Like I said for having such a blah morning it was a good day. I had one lady tell me about her mom who is 88 and dying from cancer and only has 2-3 months to live. The lady and I didn't click right away so I didn't know how the rest of the appointment was going to go, but we ended up chatting and having fun. When I took her to the front to re-schedule and ring up her product she told the receptionist "that she will for sure come back even if it is to just sit with me for an hour, because I was just so dang cute" I don't think that lady realized how much she made my day.

I had the best french fries from Gridellis and they make the best fry sauce.

A sales rep came in and brought us Vanilla Bean Frappuccinos. The cute lady I work with named Kelly is my life couch :) Today's lesson was we take off the whip cream on any drink because that adds 12 grams of fat to the drink. I don't know what I am going to do without her for two weeks while she is in Paris???

Well now it is almost 7:00 pm so my day is not quite over, but I will try to behave myself and not get in any more shenanigans.

1 comment:

Zanny said...

That was so great! I feel like I was there for your whole day! Don't you love it when people comliment you? It's the best feeling! Sorry the day started out abominably, but hey, it ended with winning success!