Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm addicted

Today I went in for a dental check-up. I can never go in and just have my teeth cleaned and be done. A dental check is never a dental check-up for me it always has to include some kind of filling or drilling or something crazy. Anytime I have work done I always request the laughing gas. That is one of the qulifications my dentist has to meet. Must have laughing gas... check. Must have tvs in the ceiling.... check. Must be nice and a people person... check. Dr. Clint Iverson is awesome I highly recommend him.

Well I went in and listened to the hygenist talk, because obviously I have a million things in my mouth and can't talk back. Dr. Iverson checked and noticed a tiny little cavity and since he had a cancellation right after me they got me in right away. As soon I was on that glorious gas I felt like I was as light as a feather. The best way I can describe it is an out of body feeling. I am there, but I feel like I am standing watching myself get work done. They left me alone after he did the numbing shot and pretty soon I felt like I was a black ninja. Like I could fly through the air and karate chop. I noticed I was getting a little bit more loopy feeling, but when the doc asked I said no I'm fine. He put a little water in my mouth and told me to suck on the sucker, but embarrasingly enough I felt like I had no control of myself and ended up spitting the water all over and it ran down the sides of my face. Whats worse is I not only did that once, but twice. We ended up turning the gas down.

A little later he asked me questions and I anwered back, but everytime I talked I felt like my voice sounded funny. He must have noticed by a look on my face or something because he asked me "do you feel like you sound different when you talk?" I said yeah rather dazily, then he told me that he always thinks his voice sounds funny when he is on the gas for any dental work, and not manly either. I thought about it for a second and then said "mine does." and then broke into a fit of giggles that I couldn't stop.

Yep lauging gas the best thing ever!!!!!


Kristy said...

Ya that laughing gas is pretty funny. I have some pretty funny stories form working in the dental office I could tell you about. I bet Craig and Aly have some funny ones to.

Craig and Aly said...

Haha that cracks me up! Thats why I have never had the funny gas! Kristy is right I have seen too many things!