Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I don't like pickles

Actually that's a lie. I love pickles I just don't like when I get into a pickle.

The other day at work I was talking with a patient and she starts asking me if I am into astrology. The question was random, it was kind of like, "oh how was your weekend, are you into astrology?" I wasn't quite sure about what she meant, but after chatting for a minute she told me her friend is very into the astrological signs. The only thing I really know about that is that I am a cancer. She said she knew a lot
about cancers since her friend is a cancer.

Well I learned that ......

Cancer in a Nutshell:

Cancer is a mysterious sign, filled with contradictions. They want security and comfort yet seek new adventure. They are very helpful to others yet sometimes can be cranky and indifferent. Cancer has a driving, forceful personality that can be easily hidden beneath a calm, and cool exterior. The crab is Cancer's ruling animal and it suits them well, they can come out of their shell and fight but they can also hide in their shell of skitter away back into the depths of the ocean. They are very unpredictable. With cancer, there is always something more that meets the eye, for they are always partially hidden behind the shell. They are a have a deep psyche and intuitive mind that is hidden from the world. Cancer is deeply sensitive and easily hurt, this might be why they have their defense shell in place, to avoids being hurt by others. They are nurturers so they surround themselves with people, whom after a while can offend or hurt a cancer without even knowing they did so, therefore Cancer's protective shell keeps them safe from hurt. They are complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need constant support and encouragement, more then any other astrology signs, Cancer needs to be needed. When cancer gets the support it needs, it has a tremendous amount to offer in return. When cancer gets offended, they tend to sulk instead of confronting the persons face to face. This needlessly prolongs the pain and suffering. Cancer is very possessive, not just with material possessions but with people as well. Cancer will always want to stay in touch with old friends and anyone who has ever been close to them, because it is easier to maintain a friendship then attempt to learn to trust a new person. It is easier this way for them emotionally. If you befriend a Cancer, you will stay friends for a long time. Cancer makes the perfect mother, this is the sign that represents motherhood. They have unconditional love and caring more so then any other astrology sign. Cancer are very intuitive. Most of the psychics of the world are Cancer astrology signs. They have an excellent memory and are very observant and can read people very well. They can usually tell of other people's intentions are good or not. Never dupe a Cancer, they can see your motives. Cancer has a lot of emotional issues to deal with but once they overcome this large hump of shyness and insecurity, there is practically nothing they can't do. Withtheir strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, they will have great success in anything they undertake.

It's kind of fun to read about. Not everything is right on, but it is crazy how some things can be right on. Read about yourself here


I have a Website Design class I go to Tuesday and Thursday in the morning. Tuesday I go straight from school directly to work. Thursday I either go to school right after the gym or I hit the gym right after school. Both days I do not wear my wedding ring. Nothing against my wedding ring, but at work I wear gloves all day and am washing my hands constantly. At the gym my fingers swell up like kielbasas and my ring starts strangling my ring finger.

I was coming out of class the other day and this guy starts talking to me. I didn't think much about it. My main focus was don't breathe on him you still need to brush your teeth (I ate breakfast on the way over to class, stuck a piece of gum in, and planned on brushing my teeth at work) and I was also focusing on getting to my car quick before the meter ran out and getting myself to work on time.

The next time I went to class he came out when I did and started chatting with me.

him: I have a big favor to ask you
me: Sure, what's up
him: I won't be in class on Thursday, and was wondering if I can have your number to find out what we did.

*pause* okay in my brain I'm thinking is he hitting on me? Is this a really good way to ask for my number? Don't make a big deal out of it Elicia this is just a class thing

me: sure its 801-blah-blah
him: great, thanks. What was your name
me: Elicia. E L I C I A
him: With an E? I like that.
me: thanks, well I'll see ya later.

Oh I'm so cool and so suave. bah hah ha ha ha. Good thing I don't date anymore. I enjoy just going on dates with my husband and not worrying about every little thing I do and say, and if a toot squeaks out he still love me. I never do that though. No girl does we are all delicate flowers.

That night he text me and asked me questions about class. I was to busy watching Glee to answer back right away, so after Glee was over we had a text chat about some assignments. Here is the very end of the conversation:

him:"Sweet well I guess we'll just go off what it says online...Hows your daybeen!?
me: "That's probably the best :) well I'm heading into a movie so I'll see you in class.

Didn't really go to a movie. I was actually sitting on the couch in my pjs talking myself out of eating a bowl of ice cream.

Anthony told me that I am the worst at avoiding awkward confrontation. Here is my solution wear my ring and hopefully he notices.

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