Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blonde Moment

Anthony's idea of yard work is "all do it tomorrow". Love him though, but then our yard ends up looking like a jungle. Saturday after the Ogden race I got ready for a day of yard work, since it was so nice outside. I loaded up on sunscreen and headed outside. A lot of death occurred as I ripped out those horrible weeds.

Then Chloe and I hopped in the car, can't go anywhere without my co-pilot, and we headed off to Lowes.

After we returned Chloe got lost in the grass/weeds,

so I decided I have time and the lawn really needs it, I'll mow it and hope I don't kill any sprinkler heads. I checked the gas and squished the little black squishy button in and started her up. Things went well for awhile.
Then things came to a stop. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I checked the underside to make sure nothing was clogged and made sure once again there was gas. Everything looked okay, but I could smell kind of a burntish smell. I then checked the oil and realized we probably have never changed it since we have owned the lawnmower, oops. It was low and a dark black. Well here comes the blonde moment instead of emptying the old oil, I just decided to add more oil, it did say it was low. Well I added too much I guess, and had a black smoke cloud surrounded me and fogged up the whole back yard. Good Work Elicia!

On a happier note I did plant this pretty flower

and I planted a whole row of raspberries, strawberries, cucumbers, green beans, snow peas, jalapenos, yellow tomatoes, big boy tomatoes, roma tomatoes, and mini tomatoes. I also have a porch planter with red, yellow, and green peppers. If everything goes well we will have a very yummy summer.


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