My mom invited me to come hike to Mt. Timpanogos with my step-dad (Bob), her, and my little brother Austin. Of course since we were down that way we had to stop and go to Cabelas. There really is a lot to look at and see there. If you wanted to get really cheap you could take your kids there to see the aquarium for free and show them all the stuffed dead animals all around. It’s like going to an air-conditioned zoo where all the animals are there and present; they’re just missing their lower half.
All I know is I was extremely conscious of my driving on my way home. It was a weird feeling being there at that scene. I saw a lot of neighbors that I grew up around. I was thinking about how weird it was on the way home. I almost had a longing feeling for simpler times. I watched the little neighborhood kids and the big kids meet up while their parents were getting in on the news. I saw people from high school that I haven’t seen in five years. I saw old young women and men leaders that are now relief society presidents and bishops.
Just think about it for a second. When your in high school life seems so hard and so dramatic, but in reality its not. My biggest worries consisted of friends, shopping, gas money, boys, and maybe a zit or two. Everything had order. Go to school, get good grades, have fun, and take the summer off; just to be repeated over again the next year. Once you graduate you’re kind of like a little fish that was taken from the small pond by the lake and then thrown into the lake. All of a sudden life smacks you in the face and there are real world decisions to be made.
There are always the decisions of, I continue on to college? If so what college? What do I want to be when I grow up? I met a cute boy and we just click perfectly, do I marry him? Am I to young? Will I ever be ready to get married? When do you have kids? Do I like kids? Can I afford a kid? Will I ever graduate? When do I get rich? Will I ever figure life out? These questions can really go on and on. Trust me they did, on my whole way home and then on through my shower. Thank goodness for nice warm showers though. They really clear the head. By the time I got out I was clean, smelled good, had shaved legs, and a clear head.
There was a girl while teaching a relief society lesson when we attended the young marrieds ward that stated “I understand that its one of those things that I understand that I don’t understand”. I have no idea what the lesson was about, but her statement was so profound that I wrote it down on the back of a paint sample I had in my purse.
Although sometimes it is easier to think of the simpler times, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t ever want to go back. I love being married about 99% of the time no one can make me happier and push my buttons to the max like Anthony can. The relationship with my mom and dad is much different now and dare I say it, but may even be better. I have come to the conclusion does anyone really now what they want to do in life. I change my mind about what I want to be when I grow up about as much as I change my underwear (daily). Here is my solution maybe I will just never grow up :) All in all I think I am becoming a rounder individual (metaphorically speaking of course well maybe a little of the other too). In high school I was probably squarer, but now I can say I am probably an oval on my way to a circle. The only way to get to that circle is to gain life experience and continue to learn and grow. I think everything in life happens for a reason even the dumb or horrible things, but it is how we continue to move forward from those situations or circumstances that end up shaping us.
Wow this just got deep. Anyway the day was good I’m glad I didn’t fall of the cliff and I’m glad nobody died in the accidents.
The End.
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