Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Shopping

While in a gym class awhile ago the teacher asked "does anyone have their Christmas shopping done?" Mind you this was well before Thanksgiving, could even have been the week after Halloween. I have never been one to get my Christmas shopping done early, but this year I thought I'm going to do it before Christmas Eve. So far this is how it has gone. One for you, two for me. One for you, five for me. I went to a store, that I saw these cute gloves that open on the tip of the pointer finger and thumb (thought it would be great for my iphone). I went to get the gloves, but ended up spending $106.00 I spent $20 on a friend, $86 on me, and left without even buying my gloves. It is the most wonderful time of the year :)

School is so close to ending I can almost see the light. I got my 2 projects done, thank goodness. Just 3 tests to go!

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