yo no hablo espanol
(I don't speak Spanish)
Algien habla Ingles
(Does someone speak English?)
Que sociedad es esta
(What company is this)
Que estas buscando
(Who are you looking for)
Lamento que tiene el numero
(Sorry you have the wrong number)
Then just a couple of extras just in case:
Yo no entiendo
(I don't understand)
mantenga en
(Hold on)
I was talking to Anthony when this number called and I got excited to try out my handy spanish sidekick. I got through I don't speak spanish. Does someone speak English. The guy said he spoke a little and boy was he right. I could barely understand him. I think it is a company trying to sell a diet pill. I called Anthony back and he wasn't to happy. Darn it, he probably will start monitoring the accounts even closer now, so much for buying him anything sneaky for Christmas. I promised I didn't do any weird shenanos, which honestly I didn't, and then he laughed, hung up, and went back to work. Days like today sure make me wish I spoke more than just English.
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