Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is it all in a Name?

Okay am I the only crazy that has a hard time giving up their name? I was totally excited when I first got married to change my last name I mean I went from Elicia Bearce to Elicia Simon which is much easier. Its bad enough when people slaughter your first name, but its even worse when you have to listen to people slaughter the first and the last. So Simon was a much better change.

Even though it is a much better change and I love being married I still try to hold on to anything that I can with my maiden name. Like my Weber State account at school I have to sign in with the name Elicia Bearce. My bank card says Elicia Ann Bearce Simon just to give it that little extra kick. My car was registered to me in my old name until just recently. I don't know call me crazy but I like the feeling of independence it makes me feel like I'm walking on the wild side. I think the real reasoning behind all of this craziness is because the day I changed my name I had to have our marriage license with me in order to do so. That made sense to me if your going to take on the name of a man you better have evidence that you are married to him. This is the real kicker though, the same day I went to the DMV to change my driver's license, but before I went up there I stopped at home and grabbed a little lunch and left all my paperwork at home except for my new social security card. When I got to the DMV I waited in line and filled out all the paperwork. When I got up to the counter they hardly cared about anything except to ask me if I had my marriage license with me. Does this make sense to anyone else? I had a social security card with my new legal name on it and they weren't going to change my driver's license without my marriage license?!?!?!? Well I left to go home and get the ole marriage license, but on the way home I called Anthony crying. Okay I wasn't crying, but I was on the verge of having a mental break down. I felt like I was lost and becoming a possession of Anthony Simon and had to show my paperwork that I was owned. Anthony was very nice and even told me that he would change his last name if I wanted him to, lets be honest we all know he wouldn't do that, but it was still a nice offer. Even at Weber State when I changed my name they didn't just accept my social security card they also have to have a copy of your marriage license. 

Well the other day I was up at the school to take a test. I have been using the same id card since I started school so obviously it has my maiden name on it and I'm 18 in the picture and tan and have long hair. I used this card all last semester to take all of my tests, but for some reason on this yucky day a girl that was hating the world decided to tell me that my card was not acceptable and that she would accept it this time, but I would have to get a new card or bring in my driver's license. I didn't mean to, but I think I might have given her the look of death. I don't know where this is all going honestly I am just rambling, but I have thought long and hard about this and come to the conclusion that I love being married and having the same last name as my husband, but at least I have Elicia Ann thats two names that my wild independent side can hold on to.


kaLee said...

Ok Can i just say that you are adorable! and i really love the the wheels turn and spin in that little head of yours!! ha ha ha ha you make me laugh. Thank you!

Kristy said...

I completely agree with you I still have issues with my new name. One of the things that bugged me was going from the beginning of the alphabet to wards the end. I don't know why that bothers me but it does. I also had a horrible time getting a new license also they needed my birth certificate and my marriage license I had to go back like three different times I hate going to the DMV oh don't get me started on how much I hate that place and they are always so rude. I love hearing all of your rambling.

Zanny said...

Well, my maiden name was Cederlof, which is pretty, but hard for people to spell. For some reason, people always put a T at the end! Why? Then I thought it would be easier to have Simon as my last name now, but people always want to spell it and say it like "Simmon". Also, people look at my name, Suzanne, but think it's pronounced like "Susan". Weirdness!