Wednesday, January 27, 2010

pink pink pink and a little more pink

My new scrapbook/ craft/ bead/ esthetic room. Or should I call it a multi-purpose room, but if I do that does it sound to much like a church gym???

Well this amazing room isn't done yet, but my dad and I are in the beginning stages of working on it. I being my girly self have skipped over the nitty gritty and went to to the fun part of things of picking out how to decorate it.

First off my walls are already painted a tan color so I wanted to find something extra girly, but I didn't want to re-paint the room. So while wandering through the store I found this cute bed set.

the stripes look white but there actually a very dark creamy tan color. I bought the curtains from this set and also the 2 european pillows in the very back against the headboard. *side note* the floor we are doing downstairs looks almost identical to the wood floor in this pic.

Next I had to of course get some more PINK zebra in the room, since I only got the curtains and the pillows are more of a leopard pink that match the set. If you look really close on the bottom of the curtain valance that same leopard pink is on that. So I went cruising around online and found this cute rug. I might shed a tear if it doesn't match. The Fed Ex tracking website said it should be here next week. I even found a coupon online for 10% off and it shipped free. Score and score. Now if it just matches I think I might have won the lottery.

I found this neat-o shelf unit that fits perfectly against my wall. I mentioned to Anthony that I think I need the flat screen 32" TV the picture displays to complete the ensemble. He said he might know a guy that can get him a really good deal. (ha ha okay okay its him. just to let you know, if you need anything in the electronic or appliance section at RC Willey, Anthony is your man, RC Willey should be paying me for this or buying me my shelf unit)
I plan to use the squares around the TV to put some cute pink boxes or baskets or something to hold all my garb.

I did find some pink lamps and other stuff, but I haven't got to crazy and purchased those yet, because I'm worried that if someone else might walk in the room they might throw up from to much pink (is that possible to have to much pink?)

Okay enough talk about the room. Its like going car shopping. You shouldn't ever do it unless you really are planning on buying a car or else you end up driving a new one home. Just like talking about this room if I think about it to much, I wont be able to rest until its done and trust me, I have to much homework to think about pink zebras.

P.S I realize I have run on sentences, but the truth is I talk out loud and type at the same time. So essentially what I am saying is, when I talk out loud my sentences don't end and keep going and going.

P.S.S I think I say cute to much, but thats much better than saying ugly :)

1 comment:

Zanny said...

That whole post made me happy! I love pink and saying "cute" too, so we've bonded! I want to see all of the updates you've made to your house. I can't wait!