The whole seminar was very insightful and I took a lot away from it. Some of my favorite things I learned was when we talked about our total belief system aka our mindset. The main thing in this section was talking about how our minds cannot process a negative. So for example if you tell someone don't think about chocolate chip ice cream, they usually think about chocolate chip ice cream, because you have to think about what not to think about. Just like if someone says "I don't want to be fat," the mind hears "fat". If they say "I don't want to have debt", the mind hears debt and you are more likely to always stay in debt. So instead of saying I want to be out of debt you should say... I want financial abundance.
The main points in the seminar were talking about the conscious mind, the unconscious mind and a higher conscious mind. I would highly recommend this seminar to anyone or even reading his books.
- "The world is what you put your attention on" -look for good not bad- (Don't watch CNN)
- Take responsibility for my results.
- 2 types of people in this world. Winners and Learners
- Take responsibility for my results. Make no excuses.
- There is no failure in life only feedback.
- There's always a way when I'm committed
- You never have to justify your intensions to anyone.
- You always find the time to do the things your truly value
- current status= who you were not what you are.
- Will power can turn off and on, but my environment is always on. Who/what type of environment am I surrounded by?
- there is no such thing as luck